Aunt Amy visited in November; here she is with Sam at the Play Museum.

And here Sam is, exploring a plasma tube he'd never really noticed before. (Facing the other way is a documentary on the horrors of war, set to Stravinsky--I was glad to distract him with this!) He also played with a "connect four" game, which in his case is more of a "stack chips and then watch them plunge to the table while you giggle" game. At one point while we were playing a boy a few years older came over and stood very still behind us in the little alcove. He said nothing for a long while (except "bless you" when I sneezed). Finally I shot him a questioning look and explained that he was playing hide-and-seek. A real pro, by the look of it.

Here is Sam with Uncle Stu at a playground called "Planet Westerville". It's a large wooden castle-like structure, and a huge amount of fun for a toddler to run around in.

And here's Sam with Cousin Emily, looking appropriately put-upon by being photographed!

Here's the Collins clan at Thanksgiving. The high point of Thanksgiving was perhaps the final evening before our departure. One thing led to another, and we found ourselves gathered in the living room shooting the breeze and watching Stu check the charge of nine-volt batteries with his tongue. Amy claims she was just joking when she suggested doing this to a fresh one.
No medical personnel were needed.
Oh, and there was the giant glowing inflatable turkey across the street which Sam, without prompting and repeatedly, referred to as a "love chicken". When asked why, he explained that it was "sweet".

And here's Sam with "Aunt" Carolyn, a long-time close friend of the family. She visited with us over the holiday and gave Sam another (different but compatible) marble racer, which has already been a tremendous amount of fun! Thanks, Aunt Carolyn!