Sam and I are in Calvin Cadet Corps this year--the CRC version of Boy Scouts. Badgets, camping trips, the whole nine yards, with Bible lessons added.
This past Friday night we went on the fall campout an hour south of Rochester on some private property in the hills of Poag's Hole. It's a lovely spot, as you'll see below, and Sam, with the other kids, had a great time.
This is Danny, the primary leader, speaking to the boys, who have just been reminded what "FALL IN!" means. |
Kids and parents slept in a camper, in a cabin, and in three tents. This is the tent Sam and I shared. It got down into the low 20s, making us very grateful for our warm sleeping bags! |
Sam, wandering around in the woods. There were no showers, and the only toilet was an outhouse. We wore the same clothes the whole time. And this, according to Danny, is the cushier of the camping trips! |
Sam, getting strapped into the zip-line harness... |
...and zipping along! |
A fire was kept going for much of the camping trip. Very pleasant |
The only thing not shown is the time spent launching the model rockets we'd made the week before. We set them off and the boys charged after them to try to catch them on the way down--or at least recover them.
Tomorrow night is a regular Cadets meeting. The Bible lesson will be on risks we take to share the gospel. A good reminder for us all.