Monday, January 7, 2013

I dragged Sam's old Sit & Spin out of the garage. Joshie's just figuring out how to use it.

In other news, a week ago I mentioned that Christmas is actually a season, not just a day, and is twelve days long. Sam wanted to know why twelve--and while I was scratched my head, he guessed, "Because Jesus was twelve years old when he was away from his parents in the temple?" He figured, that's the next story from Jesus' life, so maybe there's a connection...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Some extras

Yesterday morning Sam and I joined the neighbors in going to Home Depot, where they provided kits and materials for building and painting little bird houses. Sam nailed every nail, painted every surface. (I did the second coat.) I wonder if any birds will take up residence?

Last night Sam lined up his Gogos according to color. He has nearly 100. For little pieces of plastic they encourage a great deal of creativity in Sam 

Grandad, over Christmas, working with Sam on an electric circuit kit given Sam by his birth grandma Alison

Family relaxing in the family room (appropriately enough) over Christmas