Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Visit from Cousin David

Cousin David visited for three days this week. David Klaassen is a first cousin once removed of Susan, a retired archivist for the University of Minnesota, a home-grown Mennonite and Tabor College graduate, and a delightful guest. 

Below are pictures mostly from our afternoon trip to Stony Brook state park, which has been featured here recently. It was in the low 90s elsewhere, but in the gorge was quite pleasant. The boys and I went the extra step of wading in the water where possible. 

The boys playing next to one of the myriad cascades.

David on the right. Josh in our of the picture, climbing something he shouldn't be. In the background you can see hikers splashing around in one of the two larger waterfalls. 

Josh and David got along quite well.

For a child, as we all know, a strange tree trunk is a wonderful place to play.

The playground at the end of the hike.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Took the boys to the local amusement park, Seabreeze. It's a very pleasant place right on Lake Ontario. Sunny day in the 60s--perfect. Arrived at 2, left at 8 and the boys had a great time. Below are some photos...

Here we are on the Bobsled, a medium sized roller coaster. Very fun. I can't stand the spinny rides (the tilt-a-whirl being the worst). 

The boys got ice cream! Here Josh is eating his and scowling because he knew it'd make me laugh.

Here we are on the tea cups. That one I could keep from rotating, mostly, so I was only mildly nauseated when we left at the end of the evening.

Here Susan, Sam and Josh are riding the Bear Tracks, the coaster for kiddos. I was going to ride it but couldn't fit in.

The view from the Yo Yo

Sam and I fell in love with the Sea Dragon, a giant swinging Viking ship. Doesn't invert, but you still get high enough for your stomach to rise into your throat. You get used to it, though. We must have ridden it nine times. 

This is the one Josh road over and over

Josh on the tea cups again

Played various carnival games, coming away with about eight small stuffed animals. Came home and let the boys watch the neighborhood fireworks at 9:30. And by "neighborhood fireworks" I mean the ones sent up 1/4 mile away on the gold course adjacent to our neighborhood, which you can see quite well from our neighbor's drive way.

All in all a very pleasant, memorable day.

Penfield Town Parade

Turns out Penfield has a parade! Started at 2 PM on a sunny day. down the main street just down the road from us. Very handy. The boys both wanted to go, and who was I to deny them? Took an hour and a half, filled with 4+ marching bands, several fire departments (good thing there wasn't a fire) and politicians and judges, and assorted other groups from the local Tae-Kwondo dojo and gymanstic studio to the library's float. The kids were pinned to the side of the road by the (peanut-free!) candy which various groups tossed to the waiting crowds. 

Below are some highlights.

The start of the parade: the mounted police.

The first of the old-timey fire engines

The display belonging to a local Christmas tree farm had Santa driving a tractor, pulling a flat bed with bales of hay. Right in front of us, the tractor broke down and had to be towed by the pickup in front of it, which was apparently there expecting this problem.

The surprisingly good fife and drum corps

Monster truck!

Men in kilts. And women, for that matter.

Several conciliator Muslims.

The final float was a steel drum band. Also surprisingly good.