Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week at camp

Spending the week at camp. We are all having a great time so far---though right this instant it's 11 AM and Sam is down with something like strep (fever, headache, vomiting). Okay, but beside that, it's been great so far!

Below are some highlights...

Josh on the Arbuckle dock

Monday, greatest of vacation days, we kayaked as a family to Deer Island

Tuesday we stopped for ice cream cones at the little place by the Roxy in Potsdam

And Tuesday we lunched at Jake's in Hannawa Falls on the water--great food!

Josh using the binoculars to spy on a party boat lingering off our shores to do some fishing

Monday morning Josh and I went on his first canoeing trip, and afterward I let him practice paddling close to shore

Starting out on our morning canoeing trip

Susan got the boys glow-light globes

I transformed the sign posts by the water into a giant slingshot. Here, Sam's trying it out. The very surprising thing is that even irregularly shaped stones can skip up to 3 times when shot with enough speed!

Ah, Potsdam's tribute to zoning boards!

All for now...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekend at camp

Had a quick weekend at camp to visit Nana and Grandad. Including:

Kayaking! Josh begged for it, so Grandad and I took the boys out for a quick spin.

They both enjoyed it, but Josh particularly .

Josh--tired, at having gotten up earlier than usual, was miserable when the short trip came to an end. Four-year-olds have such high highs and low lows.

We pass this just south of Governeur on the way up or back. This is someone's front lawn, including a wooden statue of what appears to be a bear being snuck up on  by a stag. Now, on the left, you also see a sea dragon swimming across the lawn.


Dining on the deck.

When Josh was up early this morning we went for a drive, eventually taking us to an elementary-school playground in Potsdam which has a climbing structure which looks like an old tree.

Every trip to camp includes a trip to the state park's playground and beach

Josh has just finished a week of swim lessons and was very happy splashing around

Okay, this is a little hard to explain. Three fields of flower-pot toilets have sprung up around Potsdam. They are not a work of art, as you might think, this being a college town. Instead, they are the work of a disgruntled businessman who is resentful of the zoning board, who amazingly can't seem to figure out how to enact zoning code to prevent fields of toilets. 

Josh still enjoyed playing on the deck--especially when he had good company--but now needs to be watched closely lest he sneak off. Sigh. 
A short but very pleasant weekend--and great to see Mom doing well battling off c. diff!