Okay, not everything in this post fits the title. That's a description of our recent trip to Seabreeze amusement park with our good friends Lanse and Jess and their son Wesley, who were in town visiting from South Carolina.
First, a few random photos to catch you up...
This was the red velvet cake Susan made for Lanse and Jess' visit. Turns out it's a breakfast food as well as a dessert! |
Sam, sporting some delicious empanadas made by Susan |
Susan thought it would be nice to have an informal, post-church family photo. This one was taken at the annual church picnic, also the last day prior to our pastor's departure. |
This one's a little further back--Josh playing with a toad he found on a hot Saturday in the creek. |
Two days before seeing L&J I took the boys mini golfing. |
This is another week prior--Mom and Dad giddy at making their escape from Casa Tim & Susan :-) |
The sandbox has seen a lot of use so far this summer |
Seabreeze Amusement Park
The fun part is obvious. It was sunny and warm, but still pleasant. It was the 5th of July, so the park was emptier than usual, and the lines minimal. Sam's now happy to ride any of the rides, and therein comes the terror, as he invited me to ride them with him. Several are nauseating--the ones involving spinning. Those I avoided. But that left two truly terrifying ones: the Whirlwind, and the Screaming Eagle. The Whirlwind is a roller coaster where the car can spin freely. The SE is like a vicious, giant metal arm spinning you around vertically, so you are at times 60 feet in the air, upside-down. The WW was scary the first time. The SE was horrifying. But then after that, the WW was a pleasant walk in the park. All my adrenaline had been used up.
Josh preferred the simpler rides, actually riding fewer than last year. He especially like the planes, which he rode almost a dozen times.
Wesley was a big fan of the water rides, which he and Sam did for much of the afternoon. It was a delight to see L&J&W, and the park was a great way to do it. :-)
Lanse and Jess chilling in the shade |
The afore-mentioned plane ride. The rider can pull a stick forward or backward, making the plane rise or fall. |
My nemesis, the Screaming Eagle. |
The boys enjoying slushies at the end of the afternoon. We arrived at 11:30 and left about 6 hours later, hot and tired and happy. |
A shot from the train ride. |
Josh, befriending two girls on the tortoises |
Josh and Wesley on the planes again. Wesley liked more things than Sam, but wasn't quite 88". Wesley's a big fan of the water rides and he and Sam went off with Susan and L&D for the better part of the afternoon to enjoy those. |
The night before: Lanse has taken up the penny whistle and we were comparing tunes and instruments. |
This one just lifts you up and down. Comparatively pleasant. |
Sam and Wesley at the water park portion of Sneezebreeze. |
My feet are the ones dangling on the lower right, in the middle; Sam's are are on the right. |
One last piece of miscellany: We received as a gift a Venus fly trap from Aunt Carolyn when she stayed over on her way up to camp! We've been having fun giving in the occasional fly. The leafy jaws close right up when it gets one. Amazing!