Not that Josh has "issues", just that I happen to have a lot of Joshie photos collected. The first are from a recent Aunt Amy visit. Sam had a family-tree project to work on for school, and Aunt Amy nobly stepped up and played with Josh a great deal. They had a great time.
A recent bad-hair day:
Finally, today was again a Joshie day, for me at least, as Susan ran errands with Sam and then worked with him on schoolwork. So Josh and I went to the Play Museum, which has so many interesting nooks and crannies that one can easily spend a fun afternoon there. Josh did three things there: he played for a LONG time in the mini Wegmans exhibit where you collect your food in a mini card and then ring yourself out and get to keep your receipt. There's also a little deli there now, where he fixed me food.
Second, there's an old exhibit of a post office. Josh endlessly unlocked PO boxes, placed mail in there, then collected the mail to be put in the mailbox and again delivered. Packages went to a conveyor belt. Kids wandered in and out, helping him and doing it with him.
Lastly he played with their large Thomas trains set:
Sam was at a birthday party for several hours so we ate with Joshie and then relaxed in front of the first fire we've had in a fireplace in a long, long time: