Monday, June 19, 2017

This past weekend we visited Mom and Dad Collins at camp. It was a quick trip--arrived at 7:30 PM Friday and left at 2:30 PM Sunday. Went to the state park for frisbee (Sam) and playing in the sand (Josh); played in the water at camp while putting in the dock, and generally just visited with Mom and Dad. Sunday, after lunch at Sergi's, we walked the Stone Valley Trail in Colton; Dad even came as far down as where the boys run off onto the rocks.

Below are some photos, include some nice ones by Sam. 

At the state park

On the Stone Valley Trail

At Sergi's. We arrived just before noon, first ones there.

No recollection of why Josh was giving me the Evil Eye.

Stone Valley

Josh showing Grandad his Kindergarten yearbook 

Josh hiding from Sam

Binoculars and an inner tube on a hot day--what more could you want?

This and the preceding photo seem to go together

Just spent some time wandering in and out serving as waiter for Mom, Dad and me.

Doesn't this seem like the photo accompanying a New Yorker interview piece?

Sam and the new camera

Susan made a favorite meal of Dad's Saturday night

New dust jacket photo!

Happy Susan!

Happy father's day!

The view from Sergi's. Again, seems like it belongs in one of those New York Times articles in which they describe the plight of the rural small town

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Letchworth, Delia, art and poetry

For the past half a dozen weeks, the boys have been taking art classes at the local art gallery--a drawing class for Sam and "Clay Play" for Josh. We arrive at 11 AM and the classes end at 12:30. It's given us time to sit and eat brunch in the extremely pleasant atrium and even wander around the gallery without having to chase anyone small. Last Saturday was the final class, which coincided with the first full day of Delia Ward's visit. Delia, hailing from Seattle, is a college friend of ours and roommate of Susan's, and a delightful person and excellent guest. But first, the museum photos:

Josh and Sam playing on sculptures outside the museum, after class

Group photo, with fugitive

Clay Play

Susan and Delia in the second floor exhibits

On Friday the Kindergarteners at Josh's school had a program for parents in which they sang songs related to the seasons. After that, we were invited to Josh's class briefly and then released to wander the playgrounds. Here's Josh showing us a calendar each student made, decorated with hand and finger prints.

During the presentation

Saturday was a sunny day so we took Delia down to Letchworth State Park.

The gorge

This is a view of the gorge from the single footbridge which crosses it

...and another

There was a payphone. We couldn't resist having Sam pose with this endangered specie. The expression was his idea.

Sam rafters going down river

Two tired boys and a tired Susan on the way home

From the footbridge you have a view south of a beautiful waterfall

Them, again!

The "trail" down to the footbridge, on this side of the gorge, is half a mile of stairs
All for now!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Big Big Update

Okay, LOTS has happened since the last installment. I am sharing it with you in no particular order. 

Sleepover with Sam W

One of Sam's friends is Sam W, who is in school with Sam C. They've been friends for a couple of years now. Sam W is must larger and at least a year older and somehow that helps their personalities mesh well; Sam W is very laid back. 

So they had a sleepover Friday night. MOSTLY this meant extra screen time playing a little graphical adventure game, Terraria. Fun thing is that those two plus Josh were all able to be in the same "world". That was a huge treat for Josh who is often left out of the big boy games.

To my delight they agreed to play their (and my) very first game of Clue, which Pearl gave Sam last year. What a fun game! Sam W pasted his character token to the top of a remote-controlled car and drove his toke from room to room. Sam really liked it and insisted on playing again with the family the next day. And Josh is JUST old enough to put up with the whole thing. 

Sam W pulling out the winning accusation, with only a 1 in 8 chance!


Since we are going to Columbus for Christmas we stayed here for Thanksgiving. The Elliots kindly invited us to join them and happily their daughter and oldest son (and wife) were there. The food was delicious, and it was fun to join in their traditions. The first tradition was putting anonymous slips of paper with things we were thankful for into a bowl. The bowl is then passed around and each person draws one and tries to guess the author. Both funny and touching.

We also had a Malbec blind tasting contest where we tried to rank five bottles. Turns out if you don't know Malbecs this is challenging! Lesson learned. :-)

The evening was rounded out by Josh accidentally setting fire to a cloth napkin. Turns out to be a great way to make an exit. 

Josh playing with a sticker book with Juli and Andy's daughter Corinne. 

Sam playing Two-Cushion Bumper Shot--he's an ace at that

Son Drew as well as Juli

Josh giving "high threes" to everyone, including Mel, Drew's wife.

Josh wandered upstairs and found a barn with little animal figures and tractors in it, on their third floor. He also found a secret entrance to their attic. :-)

Josh, reclining in front of the fire: "I feel like I am at a beach!"

Susan and Sam with a Very Hard Puzzle.

The Science Museum

I took the boys to the science museum and saw some fun exhibits. I can't remember where Susan was. This exhibit projected from above a topographical map. The cool thing: the table was covered in sand, and the computer detected the height of the sand and dynamically changed the map to match where the kids pushed the sand, instantly reflecting their newly made mountains, rivers, valleys and plateaus. 

I don't have a picture of it, but Sam convinced me to take them to the planetarium for a holiday-museum laser-light show. It was 45 minutes long and I wasn't sure Josh could sit still that long, but they both had a GREAT and memorable time, and we three enjoyed the music. The best visual part came when they released cold steam into the planetarium and aimed the lasers level so they oscillated in a plane slicing through the mist. This revealed all the vortices and flow patterns in the air. I haven't ever seen anything like it.

Gingerbread houses

During an Aunt Amy visit Susan (and Amy?) made two gingerbread houses which the boys decorated with them. The boys really enjoyed the decoration process, which is darned good considering just making the houses took SIX HOURS. 

That was also the day of the big OSU-Michigan game. For the first time ever, Sam and I watched at least half of it together. WHAT AN EXCITING GAME! Double overtime and simply wild plays. So much fun to share that with him. 

The Tree

Sam's Metal Bird

Sam is loving art this year and is doing really well. Several pieces of art from his grade were chosen for display at a local Barnes and Noble. His was one of only four metal birds--a blue and green dodo. We are very proud of him. :-)

Sunday School

This is from the door to Josh's Sunday school classroom. He's thankful for Grandma (by which I think he means Nana). :-)

Second photo is of the class, led by Heidi Z, singing the song they sing at the end of every class. So cute. He loves Mrs. Z and that class.

Baytrail Middle-School Concert

Quoth Susan: "A great sixth grade concert tonight. The first pic shows Sam just before the chorus sang, standing next to a friend who could be his twin. The second pic is Sam enjoying a post-concert Doritos Locos Taco, in the tradition of great musicians from time immemorial..."

Josh's Store

From Susan: "SHHH. Josh and I are counterfeiting. Turns out it's not that hard; you just download a PDF of fake bills, print, and cut. Presto.
But it's for a good cause: he's setting up a toy shop in our family room."

This is adorable. Did you know that in addition to counterfeiting, you can make fake receipts online? Note the property tax as well.

Monster Trap

Snow day, so Josh made a monster trap for his bedroom, inspired by an Amanda Pig story.

Volunteering at Baytrail for Harvest of the Month

Irony for the day: nothing says, "Hey, that's my mom!" like diving under the cafeteria table when your mom approaches with a tray of roasted cauliflower samples.

The photos are actually from Sam's birthday party...

Sam Turns 11!

From Susan: "My baby turned 11 yesterday! Almost managed to kiss him in front of 10 party guests but he dodged me just in time. Happy birthday Sam - you're such a huge blessing and joy to us!" The party was held at a trampoline park (yes, there is such a thing). It was on a Monday night (Sam's birthday), which meant the place was nearly deserted, which was great for us. :-)


A peaceful after-school time today... one doing homework, the other enjoying his first issue of Highlights.

Josh helping Susan make lasagna
From Susan,

A political discussion at our dinner table tonight:
Younger Child, pointing at my shirt: Why is there a safety pin there?
Me: Recent election...blah blah blah... Muslims, immigrants, feeling unsafe...blah blah...showing support...blah blah. [Transition to British politics via The Crown...] Of course, the queen of England doesn't actually run the country anymore. Most kings and queens these days are just figureheads.
Older Child: But why is that?
Me: Elected officials...blah minister is like the president...blah blah blah...importance to history, blah blah...
Younger Child: Your eyeball is upside down.
And then we kind of stalled.

He has a gift! He is the Chosen One!

Out of respect for the Chosen One, please pretend that his face is clean.

* * *

The note below was slipped under the bathroom door during my shower this morning (I covered the name for privacy's sake).

I said, "Show me the puppy dog eyes." Older Child said, "I don't have puppy dog eyes. That's why I wrote them down."


...with Josh's good friend Jack, painting dinosaurs:


The photos sort of speak for themselves. Both kids were wizards. The weather was nice and we left Dianka to "man" the door while Susan walked with Sam and his friend Sam W and I went around with Josh. Josh tired first and so I took him home and then swapped with Susan. Both boys had a whale of a time.

Raiding the candy the morning after

Our pumpkins
WOW. That's the update!