Monday, September 22, 2008

The launching of "sammy notes"

This blog is for the purpose of recording the occasional saying of Sam, as well as posting the occasional photo.

This is for the Friends of Sam(uel Stuart Steve Collins). Feel free to post your own notes, comments and photos as well!

The first Sammy quote:

Susan's recently made a sock puppet, Max, to play with Sam. This has been a lot of fun, though it's sometimes exhausting maintaining an alter ego for Sam to interact with. But he absolutely loves having someone to tell things to, someone who (a) doesn't already know everything he knows, and (b) doesn't make him do things he doesn't want to.

Once recently he wanted Max but I didn't have the sock puppet along, so I suggested I just talk to him with my hand as the sock puppet. He was fine with that.

So we've gotten in happen of occasionally using a hand sock puppet to interact with Sam. Which is what we were doing yesterday when driving to the Play Museum. Sam was talking happily to Max (my hand), when he was quiet for a minute and then ask Max if he had a sister who was driving the steering wheel--by which he meant my other hand!

I informed him the other hand was actually a brother, and the Susan jumped in and started introducing her hands, cousins of Max, but then they became kissing cousins and it started to get a little strange.

Anyway, thought you might be amused!


1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

That is hilarious!
What was the German word for incest? I can't remember it! Ask Susan! I can't stop laughing!
love, AA