Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quality Cinema

Sam has, much to my delight, recently developed a real interest in The Incredibles. This is a Pixar film about a family of super-heroes. Frankly, it's an excellent movie. Lots of humor, tremendous creativity, and superb animation. It's got the look and feel of a 60s James Bond film, but is better than any of them. Tongue-in-cheek yet with real plot and characterization. It's been great to watch it with him. :-) (I know this irrevocably places me in the "lowbrow" category, but I don't care.)

Which has brought to mind a list I work on from time to time of movies I want to show Sam one day.

What would you add?

TV & Documentaries
  • Ken Burns' Civil War series
  • Jeeves & Wooster
  • Foyle's War
  • Band of Brothers
  • A&E's P&P
  • HBO's From the Earth to the Moon
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000: "Manos, Hands of Fate", "Teenage Crime Wave" and "Cave Dwellers". Classics, all.
  • Planet Earth
  • ST:TOS
  • Firefly
  • Pursuit of Happyness
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Star Wars
  • Seabiscuit
  • Chinatown
  • L. A. Confidential
  • X-Men
  • The Apostle
  • Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn
  • Ferris Beuler's Day Off
  • The Maltese Falcon
  • Jaws
  • Cape Fear (old version)
  • Swingtime (but perhaps not the "bojangles" scene. Creepy.)
  • Rear Window
  • Big Country
  • The Trouble with Harry
  • Rio Bravo
  • Princess Bride
  • The Third Man
  • Touch of Evil
  • Gone With the Wind
  • Twelve Angry Men
  • Dr. No?
  • Princess Bride


Jess Tryon said...

We adore The Incredibles! No lowbrow anything, thankeeverymuch.

Do you guys get into Christmas movies? It's a tradition in my family to do puzzles in front of good Christmas movies. Or even mediocre Christmas movies. I made a list of my favorites on Amazon's Listmania. Check it out!

Also, you guys need to CALL sometime. I haven't decided how many messages I feel like leaving. :P


Spud said...

For Emily's introduction to Star Trek, I showed her The Trouble With Tribbles. I own it, if you want to borrow it in about five years. I wonder what are the chances either of us will remember? Gone With The Wind is another must-see classic, although admittedly not a "guy" movie. Oh, and, um, call Jess.

Tim said...

Finding good Old Trek eps to show Sam will be fun. I really like "What Little Girls Are Made Of" even though it's horrendously cheesy. But then, maybe that's the point. Yes, I'll definitely borrow Tribbles!

Jess, we need to call you! We are moving to a new house on Saturday, which has contributed to our lack of communication. I know, poor excuse.

Christmas movies!

Charlie Brown, definitely

We caught part of A White Christmas this year and found it a little too sugary.

Never seen The Nativity Story--have to give that one a shot!

Which on the list is your favorite?

Anonymous said...

How about 23 Angry Men? And the Planet Earth series, which I know he's already seen a lot of, but is worth seeing again a year later. You forget how beautiful the creation is.
And of course someday he has to see the "real" James Bond movies so he can enjoy how well Incredibles mimicked then.
love, AA