Another milestone at the new house:

new sandbox! 6'x6', currently with 1,000 lbs. of sand, though I plan to add at least another 600. A 50-lb. bag is something like half a cubic foot--not that much.
Sam was patient while I built it, and ecstatic diving around in it when finished. And he got to see his dad wearing goofy safety glasses! Always a bonus.

While I worked on the sandbox Sam played with a caterpillar I found on the apple tree. They are shown here, prior to the caterpillar's tragic squishing. Susan and I both frowned and told him not to squish little things. Well, except I am find with killing spiders, and definitely kill all the ants you find, in whatever devious Dr. No fashion you want. Now that I think of it, maybe it's complex conveying which bugs are marked for death and which aren't...

One last thing: I've learned from the past. The new sandbox has two cupholders so you can play with Sam in comfort, your favorite libation close at hand. :-)
Hey Congrats on the sand box! It looks great!
Squishing bugs is always a difficult topic. I try to think of it as a truce. If they stay outside, I will leave them alone. That worked until recently when I found a big, harry spider crawling up the watering can that I was about to lift above my head... and the pill bugs underneath it. They are exempt from truces. What can I say? I do always say a prayer for them (and me) - as I flush their 2-dimensional bodies down the toilet. :-(
So, let me see if I understand this... as long as you keep your libations closed, no sand will get into them? But what if you want to drink it?
Still, it's beautiful.. and you don't look THAT goofy in your glasses!
Love, AA
Nice looking sand box! And good thought on the cup holders. Now you just have to find a way to keep sand from getting in the drink...
Everyone keeps saying that! I don't think it will be too much of a problem. And if it is, we can do what one person suggested and use sippy cups. :-)
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