Friday, November 20, 2009

A little morning chattiness

This morning on the way to school Sam was very chatty. I managed to scribble some of his statements.

When Max asked if there were bad guys in the jungle (a wooded stretch of road on the way to school), he said,
There is such a thing as bad guys. But there's not so many in our world which is Rochester. That'd be a weird thing.
He told Max about birthday parties and then noticed a ghost lawn decoration, and told Max that Hallowe'en happens every day (??) and added something I couldn't quite understand about how trick-or-treaters who are old go up to heaven. I almost expected him to say they ask for candy from St. Peter, but he didn't get that explicit.

He got theological at one point:

Sam: That's a weird thing: how do you go up to heaven? Do you just rise or do you just lie on the ground?
Me, shooting from the hip: You lie on the ground til Jesus gathers everyone, then you rise.

He thought that sounded a little odd.

When he noticed I was writing down what he was saying, he said, Write this down: I love candy.

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