A little more wildlife this weekend! Saturday Sam and I went to a park we'd never been to. More of a nature preserve, really. Beautiful boardwalk paths through native woods. And half a dozen amazingly tame deer strolling through the middle of the woods. We got quite close to them before they darted another dozen feet away and kept eating. Fun for Sam to see.

It had a nature center with a vast array of display cases of mostly stuff animals native to the area, and some live ones, including several snakes and turtles. (Sam's shown next to the stuffed coyote.) Sam was DELIGHTED.

You can also see Sam lying on the path, insisting on needing a rest. Mind you I had him on my shoulders for a good part of the walk, which wasn't more than a mile. This is the same kid who, last summer, practically sprinted a hike up at camp which was more than a mile long.

Which leads me to believe that, for little boys, running takes no energy; lack of interest, though, is exhausting. Once he'd seen what the path had to offer, suddenly the thought of exploring further was enough to make him noodle-kneed. If I asked him to walk someplace
truly boring, he'd probably enter a coma.

While out playing by the creek in the dusk this evening, we saw a nice, large frog, also shown. It didn't flee when we got close, which makes Susan think it was a female near some eggs.

Oh! And for those of you who were thinking of calling Social Services about the noose swing out back, you'll be glad to know we have a new swing. Now that the swing count is up to two, Sam's spending a lot of time out back, and even Huckleberry-Finning it up in the muddy creek. The new swing is a disk swing, which is harder for him to clamber onto, but a little less likely to be exhibit
A in a marmoset lynching.
Bet you didn't think you'd read that phrase today
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