Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a "teachable moment"

SAM: Did you know some people don't even have LEGS?
(Seriously, wondering if they were talking about this at Montessori...) Yes, I did know that.
(Gasps) What?! That really happens? I thought I made that up!(Susan goes on to talk about war, handicapped people, etc.)

Addendum: I am sitting in the San Francisco Airport, preparing to spend the night in the air, eager to see Sam and Susan again.

In the past Susan and Sam have made me a (one) welcome-home sign and pasted it on the door. Not this time! Let me explain:

Today Sam--I think it was Sam--had the idea of combining an octopus and a kangaroo. Sam even drew one today, and decided it was an Octaroo, rather than a Kangapus.

Susan asked Sam if he wanted to make it a welcome home sign for me, and he said, No, Daddy's had plenty of welcome-home signs. (They are so played out!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is TOO funny! Go Sam for making up real things!
But what happened to the blog about molecules?
l, AA