I'd like to start with an excerpt from
More Tales of Oliver Pig. It shows Mother Pig having the porcine equivalent of a very mild nervous breakdown, in which she ends up sitting in a tree. Good book. I found it inspiring. This is an author who has spent time with children.

In other news,
Sam now can eat almonds. (Visit Susan's blog to learn more and win valuable prizes!)
Good weekend, too. Friday we went out on a date. We are now swapping babysitting time with friends, and used an Olive Garden gift card we got from points earned with our credit card. Happily, the company was top-notch.
Saturday Sam and I went to the nearby Wickham Farm, where we wandered through a corn maze. The husks were taller than I am, so we had the real experience. Early on out Sam wanted to know which way to go, so I told him the foolproof way of getting through a maze [*]--always turn left (or really, keep your left hand on a wall). I didn't realize it until later, but I thereby robbed Sam of the fun of wandering around a maze and taking some chances. [**] At least he remembered the secret of solving mazes and proudly told it to Mommy later. Learning is fun, right?
While we were there we also played miniature golf, which Sam is wild about. It may not be Pirate Island, but has many motorized obstructions, which he enjoys.
When it was time to leave--meaning, after Sam had milked Wickham's for all it was worth, doing everything but bounce on the big bouncy thing for $6 (puhlease), we made one last stop into their store. I was interested in some cherry preserves, which I have a weakness for. While I was looking Sam fell deeply in love with a jar of mint jelly. I tried to explain that he wouldn't like it. People put it on pork, I said. I chewed mint leaves as a kid, and it's the sort of thing you do when there's really
nothing else to do. Still, the green jiggly mass mesmerized him, and he just couldn't believe I was right about it. We only escaped unjellied because the clerk couldn't guarantee it was peanut safe.
One day maybe I can use his allergy to keep him from getting into drugs (or other perils of youth). "Don't smoke pot--it might not be peanut safe!" Might just do the trick.

Sam's been framing hypotheses, and sometimes testing them. Today he was also happy to spot some homophones.
In other news, over homemade pizza tonight, Sam asked when he could go inside the earth. We've talked to him a little about the structure of the interior of the earth, since reading the comic book version of Jules Verne's
Journey to the Center of the Earth. So I think when we are in Columbus next we'll have to see about visiting
Old Man's Cave.

This afternoon we went to the Y to let Sam run around. He still does the charming thing young kids do where they feel the need to check in every so often. So he came over at one point and, inspired by
my shirt, we played some Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock. This evolved into Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock-Noun, where Noun can be about anything. Sometimes it's obvious who won--like, volcano beats flower. Sometimes there are ties when it's unclear. (I think we decided rain clouds beat river.) At any rate, fun.

Church may be rubbing off on Sam a little. At dinner when it came out that mommy was the one who'd thought of buying cones to use for ice cream, Sam declared her the best mommy he knows. (Earlier for other reasons I was the best daddy. Sam says he knows two daddies, which I suppose still could be worse.) Sam then paused, and said, "But God's my favorite person." Really, we don't feed him these lines. (On the other hand: It's now Monday morning. This morning I dropped Sam off for his first day of kindergarten. When I offered in the car on the way in to pray for his first day, he responded, "BOORRING!")
Sam's brain has grown the wrinkles relevant to building complex Lego structures. He's made half

a dozen large 2D mazes recently, and this afternoon we made a big multilevel fort with a maze at its base. Playing with Sam gets better and better!
A final note of trivia: Susan has now claimed the mantle of Queen of Small Mammal Medication. Each day she delivers two pills to one cat, 1 ml of fluid to another, mixes Metamucil into the cat food, gives a tsp of medicine to Sam, and gives Sam a dose of the inhaler. And we are thinking of adding on four nostril squirts daily with Nasonex. I do help out a little. The last few nights I've been soaking Alex the cat's injured paw--last night I even squeezed some pus out! We all get to contribute.

[*] Isn't guaranteed to work if (a) the end of the maze is interior to the maze, or (b) there is a bridge within the maze. Or if there are multiple exits and you have the find the right one. Otherwise, it's sure to work.
[**] My mom was right when she said that the one rule of parenting is that the parents are always wrong. Not that Sam complained.