Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Spent the weekend at camp. It was cold and off-and-on rainy enough to scare away our neighbors, the Dorans. They are a hearty, sporting, up-at-dawn family (their camp has invited comparison to the Kennedy compound), and they headed south early Sunday, not even returning after church--so that gives you some idea what the weather was like.

We Collins-Gilbert-Collinses are not so easily deterred.

Arrived for dinner at the Hideaway Saturday, and enjoyed smores and a roaring fire before bedtime. Sunday we went on what Susan referred to as a "forced march" to MacEwen's point (sp?) to work up an appetite for lunch (BLTs!). The afternoon saw a rambling visit to the nearby Lampson Falls near Russell (where I amused a store clerk greatly by asking the whereabouts of the "Russell Falls" and was told to drive back the way had come, only turning right upon reaching the poorly signed relic of the old "Turnpike" night club--vintage upstate New York!).

Sam was thrilled to clamber over the rocks, and Susan experienced a more maternal type of thrill cautioning him not to fall to a grisly death.

Spaghetti carbonara for dinner--Italian charcoal workers never had it so good--then another fire to ward off the cold.

Sunday the sun came out long enough for a canoe ride to what is known locally (very locally) as Makeout Island (which has even been painted by a local artist!). Two soaked sneakers and a couple of hours later and, filled with more Hideaway food, we were heading south again.

A good weekend. Sam kept wondering where Nana and Grandad were and wanting to play with them--always a good sign!

Also shown here: Sam enjoying a plate of purple Jell-o at dinner last week (notice the cool shapes); Susan reading a tragic Doris Lessing novel in front of the fire; Sam coloring and cutting at camp; and a brief movie taken on M.O.I.--a movie so enthralling one of the two subjects can't suppress a yawn during it.

And now, since you've read this far, your reward, two jokes from Sam:

Sam: Why did the elephant cross the road?
Susan: Why?
Sam? To stomp on all the houses and buildings on the other side.
Susan: Why did the dog cross the road?
Sam: Why?
Susan: To get away from this elephant that was stomping everything.
Sam: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! [more quietly] That makes sense, actually.

* * *

Sam: Why did the alien cross the road?
Susan: I have no idea; why?
Sam: Blorglovgoqorq

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