Monday, October 25, 2010

Zoo Boo and Zombie Sam

Interesting weekend. Bought Sam his Hallowe'en costume: A zombie. Really only had to buy a little makeup and a sickle--the rest we made by tearing up and painting a shirt and some old jeans, an activity Sam was delighted to participate in.

Sunday we went to Zoo Boo, where kids get to wander around the zoo and collect goodies. Sam went with his friend Ian and had a great time. It was in the mid 60s, unusually nice for the end of October.

Sunday night some friends from Japan visited: Yasuki, an old student of Susan's from her ESL days, and his wife Yoko and twin daughters Akino and Marino.

Despite the lack of shared language, they got along great with Sam. He took them on a tour of his toys and the house, which culminated in their wildly chasing one another around and around, wielding Sam's sickle. Kids are kids the world over.

And now a special Hallowe'en bonus (unrelated to Sam): A video of big deadly cats playing with pumpkins!

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