Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ruth Repaints

We had a visit from Aunt Ruth over the last week. It was a record-setting visit in many ways. First, assuming all goes well today, Ruth will have seen the inside of five airports on the way out, and four on the way back. Nine total. Wow.

It was the first time anyone's ever checked a piano stool as luggage when visiting us.

It was the first time anyone's ever taken us out to Mexican lunch in front of a roaring fire.

And most impressively, it was certainly the first time anyone visited and painted our entire first floor! (Minus the recently painted kitchen.) WOW! Ruth was tireless, working into the night, pushing the scaffold around and getting every corner. It looks fantastic! And is a tribute to her generosity of time, effort and spirit.

Thank you!

Ruth also came with us to small group and Sunday school, hung out with us while Sam and Lexie watched the dvd she gave Sam as an early birthday present, and even joined us trick-or-treating in the cold rain Sunday night.

Ruth also set some sort of record for watching Sam while he took Alex to the vet, as you read in the last post. And presented Susan with a gorgeous and creative scrap book of momentous novel-related events.

And she watched with us a record-setting number of episodes of Big Bang Theory. :-)

Come back again soon, Aunt Ruth!

ps--I'll take an upload a proper shot of the downstairs, now that it's finished...