Monday, August 8, 2011

Rocks & Minerals Day, and a first bowling outting

Last Wednesday was Rocks & Minerals Day at 88 Hillcrest. Sam was home all week and Susan wanted to do some interesting and fun projects with him. Since he's already shown an interest in collecting rocks, she decided on this theme. Doesn't hurt that the previous owners of this house left behind a nice collection of interesting rocks out back, including some obsidian. R&M day included the following:
  • testing rocks with vinegar to see if they have limestone (check out the video of Sam testing a rock, then chalk)
  • making pet rocks
  • a rocks & minerals sticker book
  • an educational video on rocks
  • some crystal-growing projects from a kit we found
  • baking together a "sedimentary dessert" with layers of deliciousness
A good time was had by all, and all were happy to have something fun and interesting to do. (Susan, did I leave anything out?)

This past weekend I took Sam out bowling to give him some dedicated parenting time--a rarity these days. This was his first time bowling, and he was extremely excited. It lived up to his expectations, and we had a very good time.

On the way there Sam came out with one of those comments parents love: He pointed out how many games wouldn't work without gravity. The pieces on board games would float away. And basketballs wouldn't fall back down into their hoops. Not sure how why occurred to him.

Not much to offer as a Josh update. I'll try to post a movie soon. Josh continues to be both happy and large. He has a mysterious red ring on one leg which we were convinced was ringworm, at least until the nurse told us we were wrong. He goes in tomorrow so we can find out. He's had my head cold, so hadn't always felt great, but continues to be very, very excited when people meet his gaze.

1 comment:

Spud said...

Feel free to ship that chub-muffin down here with Aunt Amy so I can do some gaze-meeting. Oh boy would we have fun.