Friday, January 13, 2012

Sam's wish

What with our 1-2" of snow this morning the commute was at a snail's pace. It took 40 minutes longer than usual for him to make it to school. That gave us lots of time to chat:

Sam: You know how when you blow on a dandelion you make a wish?  My wish would be that everyone believes in God.
Tim: That's a great wish!
Sam: What would yours be?
Tim: The same thing, I think.

A little later:

Tim: Why do you want everyone to believe in God?
Sam: Because it's better.  Because God is not like those other gods and goddesses who are fakes.

We really don't sit around night after night at the dinner table bashing Zeus and Isis. Sam just remembers everything we say (that doesn't involve a chore for him to do).

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