Thursday, April 5, 2012

Montessori Spring Celebration

The Montessori Spring Celebration, which launches spring break for the school. All classes participate in a presentation for the parents. Sam is now with the old kids. This year they wrote a spring poem as a group, and recited it.

Sam's on the right in red, white and blue. Some of the bossy second-grade girls are in the front. ;-) The tall girl is a fifth grader who has joined the class. She's also the one who introduces the poem, though it's hard to hear her introduction over the sounds of the younger kids nearby.

At the end you get a primo view of the back of Sam's teacher's head.


Spud said...

How does Sam end up being the only boy in the group? Does he love that or hate it? Kevin, of course, would love it!

Tim said...

Luck of the draw. It's a small class and there's only one other boy, a second grader named Charlie. He and Charlie get along well.