Sunday, April 1, 2012

Two small steps for a boy...

Above: Not staged at all.

Josh took his first two steps today! He was tentative, watching our rivetted faces while he did it.  Then we all applauded vigorously and he beamed, clapping too, knowing he'd done something really good. :-)

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I'd finished a lullaby and Sam, silent for a couple of minutes, said out of the blue, "Did Cleopatra have a candy dish?"

Can't make this stuff up.

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Earlier today:

Me: Sam, you are going to break a lot of girls' hearts one day
Sam (with some interest): How many?

* * *

From the week before last, during our D.C. trip, Susan had this exchange with Sam:

Me, during lunch on our first day at the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History this week: Sam, are you excited that we're going to see the Hope Diamond next?
Sam: Yes, but what I'm really interested in is this Cheeto shaped like a wishbone.

Oh: Made a chocolate cake to share with our pastor's family, who joined us for dinner Saturday night. Very pleasant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are just precious.