Monday, May 28, 2012

"The Adventure to the Crystal"

Ben, Elizabeth, Rose and Josh were on a quest to the Crystal!

They found a room and they looked for the Crystal. They found a  giant green mask but they didn't find the Crystal.

"What are these, Martian rocks?" said Rose. 

Ben said, "Those weren't rocks! Those were cat food! Aaah!"

Everybody ran out of the room, still screaming. Fortunately the giant white Siamese cat didn't follow . 

"Ben, Josh, Rose! Where are you?" said Elizabeth.

Joshua suddenly found himself in the magical toothbrush room. "Everybody, come here!", he cried--but no one answered.

Ben didn't know where he was. He was in a room with a black floor. 

"Stop, intruders! This is our town and you can't pass through! Stop or die!" The guardian  threw a spear at Rose. She ran away.

"You can't boss me around! You're not my Dad," Rose said.

Then two figures stepped out of the shadow, joining the guard. "You think?" they said.

The two new guards weren't very smart. Rose and the others chased them away.

Finally, they caught them. The third guard said, "You still have to catch me!"

"I think they just did," said the two guards. "Too bad," said the third.

"There's one room that we didn't check," said Rose. "It's this one. And look, it's covered in this white stuff, with the Crystal!"

"Really? I can't believe it! We actually really found the Crystal!" said Ben.
The End.


Spud said...

That must have been a Sam story. What was the white stuff?

Tim said...

That's the rug in Josh's room. Turns out that's where the Crystal was.

Sam did another story yesterday. I've seen the photos and am looking forward to hearing the story. :-)