Monday, June 11, 2012

Photo journal update

Even as I write this, Sam is having  a long-requested play date with his school chum Alicia. She's the one who has publicly sworn her undying love for him more times than I can count. And when I last did a science demo in his class she told the class she would be marrying him. 
This one's 9 days old. We took Sam to a birthday party at the science museum , which meant one of us took Josh off to wander the museum. He enjoyed it a great deal, especially the Simple Machines Ball Pit. This is a big bin of red plastic balls with drawings of the simple machines on the back wall. Maybe at one point they had simple machines in the pit? 

Josh loves putting trucks and cars and buses up on this green chair on the sun porch. Who knows why?

This last Saturday was Sam's last music class until next fall. This one was purely fun & games, and they had a great time. despite reduced numbers. Afterward the teacher made a point of telling me and Sam what a pleasure it was to have Sam and what a good listener he is! It might have helped that another boy in the class was VERY LOUD AND DISOBEDIENT. I could tell this even through the heavy practice-roomy door. But Sam really is a good student as well, I am sure. :-)

A first--Sam hangs upside-down from the play set! (And calls us to witness it.)

Sam really really wanted to go to the Play Museum this weekend while Susan hosted a pinkies-up tea and meeting of the Ladies' Anarchist Society. I was worried Josh and he would move at too different paces, but it went well. A new exhibit at the museum about design of almost anything snuck in some covert learning about Lisajous figures, as shown here. 

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