Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas with Columbus kin

The Columbus kin visited Rochester for Christmas. The Worthingtonites stayed with us; the Westervillagers stayed at their favorite of the local inns. The latter arrived Christmas eve, late. Here we are, hanging out in the family room Christmas afternoon.



Kevin and Sam sharing their favorite pastime, Smooty , on Unca Stu's ipad

Gift opening!

The visit included a trip to Rooney's on the night of the record-setting (well, 8.5") storm. Amy, elegant

Dad, in front of Rooney's portrait of their wait staff. Really! 

Mom, in front of the fireplace

Sue, same, with aplomb

Tim, almost certainly holding back some smart-alecky remark, and Susan, holding back the appropriate retort
The snowman Em and Sam built the day after
Stu, skyping with us on the drive home to Westerville

So delightful having family visit! Too short, as always.

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