Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sam and Josh Mishmash...

From Susan:

We had a funny little scene last night in the bathroom at tooth brushing time. Josh was on Tim's lap; Sam was standing close by Tim for comfort.

Sam was wailing because Josh had ruined something of his (it was bedtime and he was very tired), and saying, "Josh is so mean!!"

But Josh didn't know why Sam was upset, of course, and leaned over to give Sam the sweetest hug. We pointed this out to Sam, who said, "He's still mean!"

I said, "Honey, Josh just doesn't know better, but in a few years he will. Then he'll still ruin something of yours, but we'll be able to punish him. Won't that be fun?"

Sam said, "Punish him NOW."

While we were explaining that you just can't punish a not-yet-two-year-old who doesn't know better, Josh decided that there had been enough crying and pushed against Sam a few times, saying, "Go go go go go. OUT."

So cute! So unfair!
Here's your ninety seconds on Joshie:

We were puttering around this evening upstairs, meaning I was trying to fold laundry while keeping an eye on him. I was in our bedroom and he in is, and it was too quite, so I went in and found him sitting in his rocking chair reading his books, just the same as Sam used to. 2/3 of the way through as he's reading the dinosaur book he is saying "very very long", according to Susan. 

You wouldn't know it from this video, but Josh has been fighting various infections. First eye and ear, then a nasal flow of the crustiest sort, which has until the last couple of nights made it tough to breathe, and so tough to sleep, so we've been rocking him during the wee hours so he could do both. After amoxicillin didn't work, they put him on sterner stuff, and today's the first day he's not been totally liquidy. Still a little off, but definitely on the mend.

Are these happy boys, or what?

Josh, doing his Marin Brando imitation . This must be sat the doctor's office. He's getting used to it there. Last time he went in, when the doctor put her stethoscope on his chest he dutifully started doing deep breaths, without even being asked. 

This requires more explanation: Sam learned this year about Ripley's and about the Guinness book of records, and is working on his own, personal records. For instance, yesterday he chewed gum for two hours and one minute. Here he's working on a basketball dribbling record at church. What will come next? :-)
This week we go to Splash Lagoon, an indoor water park in Erie, PA, Tue night and Wed night. Fun to think of immersing ourselves in chlorine-saturated water while it's snowy and 20s outside. Anyone who's reading this is welcome to join us there!

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