Friday, May 10, 2013

Aunt Amy Visit

Had a visit from Aunt Amy this past weekend! It started with AA generously watching the boys so I could take Susan out for a delicious birthday dinner. 

No photos from that.

Saturday morning Sam and I went to the annual open house at a quarry a couple of miles from where we live. They offered rides in their huge dump trucks, but instead we opted to hunt for rocks. They mile dolomite, which gets used in macadam, which means that on a shelf halfway up the side of the quarry you could hunt around and find some beautiful geode-like crystals. A gorgeous one found by AA and subsequently given to Sam is shown below.

The dandelions and violets are in full bloom. Now we know why U. Rochester's colors are violet and gold.

On Sunday we went for a walk at the Tinker Nature Center. I've posted photos here from a visit there a few years ago. It's a lot of fun, though even more fun when the Nature Center is open. Josh got on the trails and ran and ran and ran. Here he's paused to greet the birds. 

The park has these paths through a bog. I offered Sam a lifesaver to keep Josh from falling in. 

AA in a stocked pond frequented with geese and a duck.

With the nice weather the neighborhood boys are out in force again. here they are playing in the sandbox.

Sam had a playdate with Maddy, a girl in his class who lives  two houses down. They took turns pulling one another in a green cart. 

The Thursday before was Science Night at Cobbles. Here's Sam looking at little organisms through a microscope.

And here's Nancy, who put together Science Night, making a coke & mentos fountain. Turns out  Nancy is an art professor at RIT. She got her undergrad degree in bio and loves science, and managed to put together a really great evening for the kids.

This weekend, cold and rainy for Mother's Day. We'll see what that brings...

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