Saturday, December 7, 2013

O, Christmas Tree

Last weekend we bought a Christmas tree. Last year we loved our Austrian pine, so we aimed to get the same this year. They were fresh out of pre-cuts, so we decided to head out into the vast field with saw and cart and cut our down. When we've done this before it hasn't always been a great experience, but I am happy to say this time the boys loved it (Josh helped the with cart, and Sam made huge, huge snowballs) and we managed to find a tree we really like. It's a Scotch pine, whose needles aren't as long as the Austrian, but it's drinking really well and we love it.

Josh helping with the cart

It was just above freezing, which meant the snow was heavy and a little damp, making it perfect packing snow.

Here it is! Maybe this weekend we decorate it...

Amazing what romance can be inspired by the right atmosphere. :-)

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