Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Weekend update

Innocuous weekend. Began with waffles. It's possible these aren't as special anymore:

Included a trip to the Play Museum.  Haven't been there in a while.  Started with the big loud spinny thing. The merry-go-round with the organ. What are those things called again? Both Sam and Josh rode in the smaller spinny thing which rides around on the larger spinny thing.

Should have pointed out to Sam this makes spirograph patterns. Ah, well.

I stood nearby. I find it amazing they don't get nauseated. I suppose at that age I didn't either.

The boys got to play some air hockey:

And watched a video game without playing it: (Something I remember well from my childhood!)

Sam climbed a building downtown:

And we all hung out at home singing Baa Baa Black Sheep:
Josh has been unhappy going to Montessori. Clings to me at drop off.  That's difficult.
One more funny thing to relate: On Sunday Sam left the dinner table early with a  headache, to lie down on the couch. Josh went over to see how he was, but for some reason got in Sam's face a screeched loudly. It was really obnoxious, so we grabbed him and stuck him on the time-out chair.
Which he got out of right away. There are no seat belts in the time-out chair.
Well, he kept getting out and Susan kept putting him back. In the meantime I went to get out ice cream for dessert. Aha!  That's the stick!  Susan warned Josh repeatedly, that he'd better get his time-out overwith in time for ice cream, or there would be none for him!
He missed the ice cream and cried bitter tears.  Lesson learned, right?
The next day at dinner dessert time rolled around and I said, "who wants cookies?"
At which Josh jumped down from the table and excitedly ran to the time-out chair, saying, "TIME OUT! TIME OUT!"
Now we've messed him up!
Maybe the "stick" we use shouldn't be ice cream!

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