Monday, March 3, 2014

If you thought the last post was random, just wait til you read this one!
Susan says, "Some toddler's grandma made them for everyone, I think because they were going to read cat in the hat":

 Josh, overcome by ennui:

Josh know exactly how to eat olives:

Sam with school chum Zach at a recent playdate:

You know, I can't recall why he was wearing a bucket on his head:

Below are some posts from Susan to facebook, for those who don't sit around all day watching for Susan's posts. Enjoy!
Sam is reading to us from a chapter called "Very Bad Riddles."

Q: What's red and not there?
A: No tomato.

This actually made me laugh very hard.
Me: What did you have for a snack at Montessori today, Josh?
Josh: Snow plows.
Me: Snow plows?
Josh: Snow plows.

Me: How does spaghetti sound for lunch today, Josh?
Josh: NO. I want robots.

I'm starting to worry that he has an iron deficiency.
Me: Yes, I *know* you're almost going to miss the bus. That's why I've been nagging you for the past fifteen minutes.
Sam: What's "nagging"?
Me: That's when you tell someone to do something over and over and over in a really annoying way.
Sam: Well. That's not very nice.

Point missed.
Sam: Say something to me, Mom. Say anything.
Me: What?
Sam: Just say anything.
Me: Nine times nine is eighty-one.
Sam: Rats! I'm trying to see if I can NOT hear you even when I know you're talking to me.
Me: Um, I'm pretty sure you do that all the time, Sam.
Sam: Say something else. I want to try again.
Me: Eight times nine is seventy-two.
Sam: MAN this is hard.
I'm enjoying Sam's enjoyment of piano so much! Right now he loves the A minor scale because it's creepy and sounds Egyptian. 
Last night Josh and I were outside and he looked up and saw the moon. "Oh, the moon!" he said. "It's cucumber! Cucumber moon!"

I guess he thought it looked like a giant white slice of cucumber (his favorite veggie). But doesn't it sound like a good old southern expression? "There's going to be a cucumber moon tonight, Ma..."

1 comment:

Spud said...

Sam cracks me up. Smart, honest, and probably unintentionally hilarious.