Monday, May 19, 2014

Susan's been giving Josh his lunch in a lunchbox lately, just for fun. And as you can see, it is fun!

Waiting for the bus last week on a raining morning.

Waiting with Sam for Sam's bus, again in the rain. Any excuse to use an umbrella is a treat.

A view of Sam's future. Especially if he decides to become an 18th-century inventor or explorer.

Josh chilling in his jammies.

Not warm, but sunny this weekend, so we got out and played in the verge of the sandbox. Also added 350 lbs of new sand.

Sam and I are working on his pinewood derby car. The race is Wednesday of this week.

Sam's new game is to swing as high as he can, then fling his sandal over the 15-foot tree at the corner of the house.

He's really into it, too.

Saw some of these with Josh.

And one of these.

Josh, mugging.
This is a game Sue and Josh played during our recent Columbus trip. Had Josh in stitches. :-)
Sam's written another piano piece.
And Josh is comfortable with pushing a stool over to the fridge and opening the freezer. The fridge has a latch on one door, but not currently the other. Have to remedy that.

That's all the news fit to print!

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