Friday I took the afternoon off and we went to Seabreeze, a local amusement park situated right next to Lake Ontario. It's not a huge park, which is part of its charm: it's easy to get into and move around in. The boys are still young enough that Sam hasn't ridden all the rides yet, and Josh is just getting to the point where he's comfortable on all the kiddie rides.
We got there around 2 pm intending to stay until it closed at 8 pm, but around 5:30 an electrical storm rolled in, shutting down all the rides. We foraged for food, sprinting through the rain from shelter to shelter and then played some of the games in the causeway which one associates with parks like this: throwing bean bags at milk bottles, the ring toss, etc. Josh and Sam walked away with several little stuffed animals. The rain let up a little but when it was clear it wasn't going to stop completely we left--around 7 pm. The park was nice enough to offer rain checks for another visit.
They've revamped the kiddie area and Josh quickly started cycling between several of the rides. |
As you can tell, he had a ball. Sam wondered why they have little rifles in the kiddie area. |
This was the first ride Josh went on in the kiddie area, and he looked very serious the whole time. |
For the first time ever, Sam and I went on the second largest of the roller coasters, the wooden-framed
Jack Rabbit. It has some history: it's the
oldest continuously operating roller coaster in the world (and the fourth oldest operating roller coaster, period). When it was built in 1920 it was also the fastest, and still provides a great ride.
Yikes! |
Here we are on the Bobsled, which is smaller than the Jack Rabbit. |
We also did the Tilt-A-Whirl--once. Not going to do that one again! Ugh! Another one which goes in circles is the Music Express, which is not at all nauseating, and can actually provide a pleasant rest break.
It's not the first ride on which I've put my head back and closed my eyes. I kept wondering if they attendants would think I'd passed out.
And we rode the Sea Dragon:
This one swings you back and forth. It was very enjoyable, except for the part of the cycle where you are at the highest point looking down at which you wonder why in heaven's name you decided to risk your life like that.
All in all, a very good day despite the rain. :-)