Thursday, August 21, 2014

Can't believe how much time has passed since the last post.
On the other hand, not much has happened.  We've been at home, and aside from a single Aunt Amy visit, it's been a quiet couple of weeks...

Susan took the boys to an indoor play facility with lots of bouncy castles and slides today. Here's Josh on the way home.

Josh, having decided it's time to be upside-down

Josh and Mommy baking a crumb cake

Josh and Sam playing on Sam's kindle

Sam, enjoying a summer evening at a local playground

This is Josh a a tennis lesson. It was his only camp this year and met four times. They did tennis and basketball and soccer and something else. 
Josh has adopted one of Cousin Emily's donated pokemon dolls. He's named it Baby Margaret and has spent hours nurturing and holding and swaddling it. Very cute.

Josh again, this time doing basketball. He *does* seem to be good at sports. But his concentration sometimes lagged a little.  :-)

Sam's discovered the tree next to the sun porch is very climbable.

Josh playing with trains with friend Ben, who is nine months older. They played well together, we is never taken for granted at that age!

No real excitement aside from Joshie's Potty Training Boot Camp, which is underway.  Hoping to have him all settled in a new potty routine by the start of school in just two weeks.

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