Thursday, May 14, 2015

Emily is now a bachelorette of the arts!

Took Josh and Sam and trundled off to Columbus this weekend to watch Emily metriculate (which ought to mean "calculate using metric units"). The graduation ceremony was held in the OSU stadium. It can hold 90k people; Sunday there were upwards of 11k graduates and associated family:

Stu and Sue got there very early and got us rock-star seating:

It was in the high 80s, no shade. I was lucky enough to sit next to Josh Jones, Em's significant other, and we joked about how the weather would reach out its right hand to bestow breezey blessings only to smack us with the left hand of bright sunshine. 

Nice to get a taste of summer.

Archie Griffin, two-time Heisman trophy winner and three-time all-american for the Buckeyes, gave a funny and moving address where he recounted some of his highs and lows, urging the graduates not to be defined by their failures. 

We managed to find Emily in the mass of graduates, with her help. Here she is about to receive her diploma:

...and outside the library, having received it:

And afterward we all made it over to Stu and Sue's for a celebratory shindig (where, blessedly, ALL the food was Sam-safe!). Here Emily is with her friends, smiling because she is about to play with little Josh's face:

And here are Sam and Josh with Sue's nephews Jon and Reagan:

The boys all got along, Sam and Jon and Reagan especially, since they all speak Minecraft.

All in all a great weekend. Emily is appropriately celebrating with her housemates on a beach in North Carolina.

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