This update covers about a month, including closing up camp, the start of school, and other trips and adventures. See captions for details...
The first day of school for Sam. Now the neighborhood boys meet at our neighbors' driveway to wait for the but. Two boys are added this year, twins who've been attending Catholic school until now and are entering fourth grade. |
Took the boys on a super brief hike a few weeks ago at a park up by Lake Ontario. It was brief because Sam started acting sick and very weary so we had to curtail it. |
But we *did* manage to stop by the oldest mini golf course in the US. Which is not as great a claim as you might think, since it doesn't have some of the features which make newer courses more fun. |
Painted the garage doors! Here's Susan, working hard. |
Attended a classroom open house at Sam's 5th grade class with Mrs. Streiff. I found this element of their schedule entertaining. So far Sam's new teacher seems like a peach. |
Closed up camp. Very quick trip! Up Sat a..m., back Sun p.m. Amazingly, still managed to pack some fun activities in. Here we are playing on the beach created by the very low levels. This must be the weekend each fall when the power company lowers the water so folks can work on their bulkheads. |
Josh with a new friend. |
Susan's Only Selfie Ever |
Got Sam's help sweeping off the roof, as is now tradition. |
Went down the Stone Valley Trail. The water was so high we couldn't play on the same rocks we usually do, and had to go further downstream around the bend. Found some really fun things to clamber over, and managed to have a great time before the rain arrived. |
Love how Sam is the only object in focus. |
Fun with panorama mode! |
The afore-mentioned rain that evening. |
To kill time while Susan ran into the Price Chopper I gave the boys $1 each to spend in the dollar store. Always a hit! Sam got fake teeth, and played with them nonstop all evening. |
Josh got a mermaid doll. Which btw seemed to keep losing its clothing. Here, though, it's clothed and in its idiom, luring sailors to the rocks. |
Sam "taught" Josh to play chess. |
Cool but beautiful Sunday! |
If I leave my ipod unattended Sam takes selfies and sets them as my wallpaper. This is the current one. |
Honestly can't remember why Josh wanted to kiss his reflection in the mirror. But do we really need an explanation? Surely it speaks for itself. |
Found this doodle in Sam's classwork. |
That's all for now! Been a super-busy fall: Closing up camp, start of school, start of small group (and a gigantic potluck), a week away at a conference for me, and this weekend we depart for a quick trip to Columbus. More photos after that...
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