Monday, October 12, 2015

Pleasant weekend

Friday was small group; Saturday a trip to Wickham Farms where Sam did mini golf and we all went through the corn maze, and Sam and his friend Ian bounced on a large rubber pillow.

Fall stuff. Also got pumpkins.  (Or was that last weekend? It's all blurring together.)

Sunday Sam and I drove 80 minutes down to Houghton College for a concert by Christian musician Tobymac.  It was a very good time (esp. since we were smart enough to bring ear plugs). Sam had a blast at his first rock concert. 

Aforementioned bouncy pillow

On the observation deck buried deep in the corn maze

Oh, yes--there was a piano lesson on Saturday afternoon

Concert shots. We had pretty good seats, which is saying something given the 6,000+ attendees. The facility was sold out. It was super loud but didn't feel oppressively crowded or anything. And the age of the attendees ranged from Josh's age to older than I

On the last piece they shot off the confetti canons 
Didn't get a good pic of Sam, but here he is. He stood on a chair next to me the whole time. (Everyone stood for most of the concert.) 

Consolation trip to the Rochester science museum

A little over a week ago we'd planned to spend in Columbus, but I wasn't well enough for that.
I was, however, well enough to go with Susan and the boys to the science museum. It was easily the best trip to that museum we've ever had. I've had mixed feeling about it--the quality of the exhibits hasn't always been to my liking. This time, though, it seemed like they'd stepped things up a notch.  

For one thing, they now have a spherical projection theater, where movies are projected onto a sphere. It's super cool:

And to Josh's delight they added a crane which little people can operate:

Sam had a blast with a floor full of exhibits involving light:

It didn't hurt that we were almost the only people in the museum.

It wasn't Columbus, but a good time was had by all.