Monday, October 12, 2015

Pleasant weekend

Friday was small group; Saturday a trip to Wickham Farms where Sam did mini golf and we all went through the corn maze, and Sam and his friend Ian bounced on a large rubber pillow.

Fall stuff. Also got pumpkins.  (Or was that last weekend? It's all blurring together.)

Sunday Sam and I drove 80 minutes down to Houghton College for a concert by Christian musician Tobymac.  It was a very good time (esp. since we were smart enough to bring ear plugs). Sam had a blast at his first rock concert. 

Aforementioned bouncy pillow

On the observation deck buried deep in the corn maze

Oh, yes--there was a piano lesson on Saturday afternoon

Concert shots. We had pretty good seats, which is saying something given the 6,000+ attendees. The facility was sold out. It was super loud but didn't feel oppressively crowded or anything. And the age of the attendees ranged from Josh's age to older than I

On the last piece they shot off the confetti canons 
Didn't get a good pic of Sam, but here he is. He stood on a chair next to me the whole time. (Everyone stood for most of the concert.) 

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