Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's been a month and a half! How did that happen!
Okay, in no particular order, an update on recent events of note:

Josh's birthday

Josh got a lot of great toys and have been having a blast playing with them

Scary dinosaur which worked perfectly with a hotwheels set we got him

This is Heidi Zinkand reading a book to Josh

Josh gets jealous of the electronics everyone else has. In this case he decided to make his own laptop out of cardboard with pieces of paper glued onto the "screen". He then comes over occasional and asks us to reboot it, which means pasting a new piece of paper on it.

Josh at his birthday with his new Thomas the Tank Engine piggy bank

The party--two hours with a large number of screaming children.

Josh enjoying his new bunny slippers


During a recent visit to the zoo. What's more interesting to me than the tiger is how tall Sam's getting.

Sam at Stockade, where they were doing a group circular sit.

This was an evening open house at his school where Sam performed on the recorder with part of an ensemble

 The boys

This is a recent Aunt Amy visit, at the science museum

This is the bunny cake Juli Elliot brought over for Easter dinner!

This is a recent shot of the boys painting wooden cars--Sam's pinewood derby car for Stockade, and Josh working on a wooden car he and I built together

...and. here's my experience of parenting on a lazy Saturday afternoon. (Josh here is playing with his new camera.)

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