Monday, September 5, 2016

Westerville Collinses visit plus some extras

Stu and Sue and Kevin and Emily and her friend Kelly visited us on their way up and back from camp, where they spent a week. On the way up we celebrated Sue's birthday, and on the way back it was Stu's (including a little pickup volleyball--not shown). It was delightful meeting Kelly, and as far as my interrogations could determine they had a very good time at camp. On the way back we made time for the Play Museum, where Kelly scaled a skyscraper to catch up with Sam:

Two book worms

This was at the Play Museum--it's made out of toothpicks

Okay, here's the last family Seabreeze trip of the summer. We happily brought along Sam's friend Ayden. Not so many photos of this trip because, well, you've seen it many times...

Josh wanted to spent the day mostly watching the world go by, in the shade. It was a hot day, but I think he was fighting something off. He has a killer immune system. Pretty much anyone else would have been in bed with a fever, but Josh just dragged a little. Still had a great time.

And here are some random photos:

Last night we happened to eat really late--8 PM. Going to enjoy the sun porch as long as we can!

This seems a little funny, but it's the boys in a pew at church. Josh is doing the activities in the kids' bulletin and Sam is drawing, both contently. One of the little things it'd be nice to remember as they grow older. :-)

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