Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Driving on air

We are into the "why, Daddy?" phase of Sam's life, and it's taking an interesting form of late. Occasionally he will ask us why we don't drive on X. X can be anything. So he started asking Susan why we don't drive on air, or on rocks, or on food, or on light. Susan handled them pretty well til the last, which was a little too esoteric!

Now he asks these questions to make conversation. Why don't we drive on cars? Fine question. Why don't we drive on people? He's asking because it's fun to ask, now.

Sort of the way he's always made conversation by asking "what happened", often at the funniest times. So, for instance,
he will throw a tantrum and then ask us what happened. Well, Sam, you threw a tantrum! It's like it's all a blur to him and he needs us to help him figure out how he got from the land of At Peace With Parents to exile in Frowny Parent Land.


1 comment:

Spud said...

Be aware that the next few months may seem like eternity until this passes.

The son of some good friends was observant enough to notice the form the answers always took, so very soon he switched from "Why?" to "Because...". No matter what you said to him, he would say "BEEEcause..." and wait for the explanation. Just as annoying, after a while, but at least a change.