Saturday, January 3, 2009


Ruth and Paul, Sam's beloved South Dakota aunt and uncle, gave Sam a Fisher-Price digital camera for Christmas. It's meant for toddlers, so it has all the robustness attributed to Timex watches in the old commercials--I am pretty sure a 300-pound scuba diver could sit on it and do no damage. (Though I wouldn't want to see the photos.)

The reason this gift is so great is that it gives us a little window into Sam's brain. And not the parts devoted to chasing the cats or flinging food. It reminds me a little of the experiments you used to read about it National Geographic, where they taught sign language to a primate. All of a sudden you learned about the likes, dislikes, and even humor of some large ape. This yields such priceless anecdotes as the time Koko the gorilla charged a zookeeper, scaring him witless, and then signed, "Be calm and share the bananas."

So far Sam's adventures with the camera have mostly shown the sort of mugging we adults like to do for the camera. But there's something endearing about the angle of the photos--whether it's at a neck-crankling upward tilt or down at Zoe sleeping (though not for long) under the tree. I look forward to seeing what else he comes up with.


Ana said...

You are totally right that it gives you a new perspective to what they see. Our girls got digital cameras from their aunt and uncle a few years back and it is always a ton of fun to see what they want to record.

Spud said...

Oh boy. I can't wait until Aunt Amy sees that one. That IS Aunt Amy, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Which one? There aren't any pictures of me in the Sammmyblog. Is there somewhere else to go see Sam's pics? Or are you thinking of the first one in this entry? That's Susan. You can tell by the plaid robe.

Spud said...

Alas, AA, I fear someone has been post editing! It was a shot of you making some crazy face, right at the end after the picture of your looming brother. Honest!

Tim said...

Okay, I'll fess up. I took down the image of Aunt Amy because I wanted to give AA the chance to look at it first and decide whether she wanted it up! I will hunt it down and send it to AA for approval...

Anonymous said...

Well, where is it?