Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Sam's been starting to think about and, once in a while, remember his dreams. Of course, we are fascinated, since, well, we are fans of over-analysis who would love to open his little head up and see what's there. (Several mice on a bed of bright green moss? That's my guess.)

Last night Max was talking to Sam (courtesy of Susan) and Sam mentioned that he'd had a dream:

SAM: "I dreamed there was a forest. And there was a little girl crying because her mommy was gone [or she wanted her mommy]."

SUSAN/MAX: "Did you comfort her?"

SAM: "Nope. And there were parents without any children. They were gardening."

S/M: "Did they help the little girl? Did anyone help her?"

SAM: "Nope."

Susan says there was no trace of sorrow or concern or worry in Sam's voice. No eyes-with-parentheses. Didn't seem to bug him at all. That either means he's well-adjusted or sociopathic. If I only had a dime for every time we've had to choose between those two!

1 comment:

Spud said...

Hmmm, a sub-conscious adoption dream, expressing fear of failure of the attachment process... Can you tell I work with psych journals for a living? Yikes. Frankly, some of these psychologists are nuts. Some days, so am I. Sam, on the other hand, is marvelously sane, if a little nonchalant.