A few firsts for Sam which every parent gets to enjoy--and now it's Sam's turn!
First knock-knock joke! In fact, I'll share the first and second with you (Sam's in italics):
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Sammy Bo Bammy
Sammy Bo Bammy who?
<Sam looks a little confused and says he doesn't know>
Second knock-knock joke:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Green who?
Green apple!
And then, just to make the experience complete, Sam wanted to know why I found it so funny.

First time we've ever eaten on the sun porch! Sat and watched the neighbor boy and girl play catch with their dad. Expected Normal Rockwell's ghost to drift by at any time, winking and smiling benignly. Also got to enjoy watching the birds out back. So far we've seen a male-female couple of cardinals, a pair of woodpeckers (harder to sex by eye), black-capped chickadees, mourning doves, a bazillion grackles, robins... No sparrows or house finches, yet. And the main customer at Mrs. Beck's bird feeder is, of course, the squirrels.
First experience painting a rugged plaster cross! Susan, for her Sunday-school class, made a bunch of plaster crosses for them to paint, and made an extra for Sam. As you can see, they really got into the experience.
First sleepless night of 2009 due to ear infection. Ah, well. Thank you, motrin. We'll see you again tonight...
First trip to the Farmer's Market of 2009. Susan found lots of cheap veggies and sharp cheddar while Sam and I bounced tennis balls on the cobblestone street behind the vendors.
Despite that, a fine weekend. With the warm weather we had lots of time puttering outside while I got some raking done. Ahh...
* * *
Two unexpectedly poignant moments during Sam's evening bath: First, Sam was conversing with a sharp in the tub, and told the shark he couldn't play because he had to work. Wherever did he hear that phrase?
Second, Sam was talking to and playing with a little reb rubber octopus (like you do), and told me that the the octopus was sad because his parents were moving to a new house and he was left at the old house. Of course, I assured him that the octopus' parents would always stay with him. *sniff*
Before you start feeling too badly for Sam, bear in mind the chocolate waffles topped with whipped cream which Susan made for breakfast Saturday, and the trip to the fun new playground with the climbing wall later the same day. Sam's life could be worse.