Aunt Amy visited last weekend, so this is an excuse to post photos of that. Aunt Amy got the grueling all-day Samathon treatment. We started early at the Fairport library and in the afternoon spent quite some time at the Play Museum. It's fun to see Sam explore things there which he wouldn't have have the patience or maturity for a year ago. Here you see him playing with Lincoln Logs, making a Large Tower. The LL display has a little log cabin which Sam and Amy were kind enough to pose in.

Sam's also been drawn to Mr. Potato Head's wall-mounted foam golf-ball tracker, shown above. Like everything about the MPH exhibit it's only about 80-90% functional, but we enjoy it anyway.

Also shown here is AA playing with Sam and his ball tracker back at home, and having a whale of a time. AA survived the Samathon, though next time we'll intersperse some rest periods during the day!
Sam's been painting every day at Montessori. Watch this space for one of his latest works...
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