Sam's been painting a tremendous amount at school.

We've been encouraging him, since it's great to see him really focus on something, and he's having fun. And while representational art isn't his forte as yet, that doesn't mean the painting don't mean something to him. The painting above apparently is a fire (orange) surrounding a bird house (pink) next to a stream of water (blue).
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We installed a flap in the door to the garage, ostensibly for the cats. After getting it in, we invited Sam to try putting his head through, just for fun.

Neither of us dreamed he could fit through himself! Now we have sternly worded rules forbidding him from wandering around the land of gasoline, used oil and tree saws!
But how do the cats like it?
The cats will walk through if we hold it open. Still need to do some training there. I think putting their food on the other side ought to do the trick.
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