Sunday, July 26, 2009

Aunt Amy Visit and Time in the Crick

First: A week ago we had a visit from Aunt Amy. Much fun was had by all--and Amy even had the chutzpah to recover quickly from her migraine Saturday evening. Sam and A.A. had a great time, as did we! (Photo of A.A. and Sam below.)

That same weekend we took Sam, for the first time, to the Rochester Museum and Science Center. He loved wandering around and seeing the new (to him) exhibits. We took him to an imax-esque show at the planetarium. It was 40 minutes and a little repetitive, so he was ready to go after 30 minutes, but it was still a pleasant experience. Outside the museum is a nice garden which has a cast-iron sculpture just right for a little boy to climb.

Also shown:
  • Mommy getting Sam's help skewering veggies to be grilled.
  • Sam playing with a little maze device.
  • Sam playing in the stream near the culvert.
  • Sam playing on the far shore while Daddy cut down unwanted foliage.

This weekend had lots of fun puttering around the home, and plenty of time outside in between rain storms. Most notable was the time spent in the creek. I got a lot of cleanup done, and Sam had a blast in his swim suit and water socks floating things downstream and wandering among the trees on shore with his friend Ian.

I am certain there's more to report, but that's all that my mind can recollection right now. More later if I remember!

Here are a couple of late additions: Sunday morning Sam and I were killing some time while Susan showered, and we found a game I bet you haven't played (except maybe with a spouse?), called Throw The Pajama Top In The Air. We had a great time, lofting his pj shirt up and running to catch it. It's a great way for Sam to practice hand-eye coordination.

What's even better: Yesterday while Susan was getting her thyroid biopsy (needle in the throat--gulp), I stayed home with Sam. He had found a floppy rubber frisbee we've had for a while, and wanted to play with it. So we went out on the driveway, and amazing, he really took to it! Now at least 1/3 of his tosses are really good, and go as far as 20-30'! What fun!

He never leaves the imaginative play behind, though. He loved the "game" where Susan pretended the frisbee was food, and pretended to eat it, or the game where I pretended it was a hat, insisting it wasn't a frisbee. At one point in denying the frisbee-hat theory, he started his sentence, "P'shaw!" He wasn't going for a laugh, either, though he got one! Guess we're at the stage where he picks up the weird words Susan and I use!

Similarly, he's recently begun to bargain with us using phrases like "Yes or no:..." or "Now don't argue with me, but..." I guess that's better than hearing him use swear words!


Spud said...

I'm so glad you're letting him play in the creek. We had a creek nearby when I was a young 'un, and although my mom didn't know it we sure enjoyed playing in it. Wise that you haven't made it off limits--he'd just go in anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Aunt Amy looks incredibly bored in that picture. Good thing we had more fun that THAT.
l, AA

Tim said...

Sam had a GREAT time with AA!

Sue, I agree. So long as I am with him and there are rules about not entering the culvert, I would prefer he got used to having fun in the stream! Children and streams are meant to go together.