Monday, July 13, 2009

A visit from friends

Great week last week: Lanse and Jess, our friends and old neighbors when we were all living on Edgemont Rd, visited from South Carolina. Many of these photos are courtesy of Jess. They got along with Sam like a house on fire, and it was great seeing them again. Hi Jess and Lanse!

Lanse was great with Sam. He played with Sam, even to the point of swinging Sam, and letting Sam stand on his hands. Sam was apparently a little uncertain about this last!

At the end of this post is a movie Jess took. It is of Sam showing Jess and me a long line of toys and things which he assembled, I think as a way to show off a little.

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Also pictured: Sam at a birthday party of his friend Isaac, and Isaac's friends. It was held at the "Sandbox", a play facility--a sanity-preserving method of hosting birthday parties which Susan was happy to pioneer last year.

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In other news, the following exchanged happened when Sam was drawing a woman in chalk on the driveway. Here, he describes her in detail to Susan...

Sam: This is a woman. These are her eyes, that's her hat, that's her dress, those are her arms. Oh! She needs hands.
Sam: She needs a husband. Actually, she
doesn't have a husband. I'll draw her little boy.
Susan: Why doesn't she have a husband, Sam?
am: She wants one! God promised her one, and then he forgot!

I am recording this specifically so his therapist can use it in thirty years.

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Had a fun Sam moment the other day: We had gotten a slushy-like frozen drink from Taco Bell and were all sharing it. It has a very tangy taste. Sam drank some, looked thoughtful, and said, "The taste is very intense!"

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One last demonstration that Sam, while learning subtlety, is still a delightfully open book. The other day Sam was talking to Susan while I was in another room. He said that he loved us both (Susan and me). Susan had to ask, "Who do you love more?" Sam replied, a little artlessly, "Daddy... uh... you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Sam's only single Aunt, I find his drawing of the single woman very touching.