A good time was had by Sam and Ariana, and I got to take out a glass shower door and install a new overhead light. Woohoo!
Also this weekend:
- A trip to Shutt's Apple Farm to get pumpkins. In the new house we are now just ten minutes away. It's always fun to visit there, and we came away with not just pumpkins, but fresh donuts, a "home-made" cherry pie, and dried soup. Yum!
- A trip to Bounce-It-Out to (1) reward him for elimination successes, despite the danger of recidivism (sorry for all the potty talk); (2) wear him out; (3) expose him to BOTH the seasonal flu AND H1N1. Three birds with one stone!
- A complete viewing of Disney's retelling of Exodus, Prince of Egypt. His request. More than once he said a scene was scary but he still wanted to watch it. The crossing of the Red Sea and the Passover were the scariest. Once we finished that we cleansed his mind with some Max & Ruby (a world where life is simple and the worst worries are about Ruby's finishing her BunnyScout craft project in time).
- May seem minor, but Sam and I watched a local home improvement tv show together. This is an important milestone--not only did he sit and watch something *I* wanted to watch, but he ended up enjoying it! Didn't hurt, I am sure, that I kept ooing and ahhing over the log cabin they were working on.
- Many games of Hisss, a simple card game where the players build snakes. Mark Geary introduced it to us, and it's perfect for his age. And I learned this morning it's straightforward to palm cards onto his pile to orchestrate the flow of the game if it's 8:15 a.m. and you need to leave for school. (Not that I am not usually content to let him lose when he loses.)

p.s.: anyone have any flu vaccine we could bogart?
Nope, no vaccine, and I am pleased to hear that Susan was calmed by the castle. (ducking and running...)
Wow. "She made Sam look like Sam Waterson in a PBS movie about the Library of Congress." Cool turn of phrase! -Stu
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