Sam and I were coloring, and he was sort of muttering to himself. Then he said, "God didn't do what I told him to do!" I said, very amused, "What did you tell God to do?" Sam said, "I told him to sharpen ALL these crayons." Well, I tried to explain that God doesn't just do what we command, but that God had given US the means to sharpen our crayons. I flipped the crayon box over and showed him the sharpener, which he already knew was there.
I wondered how often we feel that way about God, without admitting it so honestly! Why doesn't God do what I (nicely) tell him?
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Last night we were in the grocery-store parking lot when Sam announced happily that we were in the middle of nowhere. I suppose sometimes there are worse places to be.
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This morning Susan played some of a toccata by Bach on the piano. After she said how much she liked Bach and went off to the kitchen Sam went to the piano and tinkled around on it for a moment, then turned to me and said, "Is this Bach?"
I don't care that he probably doesn't know what a composer is; it's still fun to have your 3-yr-old ask you that.
After being in South Dakota he still calls Rochester the middle of nowhere? Next time he comes here we need to show him Nebraska so he can see what nowhere really looks like.
He's been to Nebraska! It must be nowhere--we managed to get lost there, which seems appropriate.
SD is certainly not the middle of nowhere. Not while you guys are there.
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