Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eating from the tree of knowledge of good weather

Sam and I were watching a nature program about deserts.

Sam: I want to live someplace else. There's a place that's sunny all the time. That's California. I want to live in California.
Daddy: Who told you about California?
Sam: At school Amelia shared about it. She's lucky. She can see the sun all the time. I want to live there.

Now I guess I have to convince him it doesn't exist and is a make-pretend land. Like the Caribbean.

On the other hand, he was very excited Monday when we got up to snow on the ground. There's hope yet.


Ana said...

I love that! Looks like you will have a warm place to visit once he grows up...since I suspect by then he will have seen a map and made plans.

Tim said...

That could be a good thing! I am trying to remember that we need to save enough money to move to a new city after we retire and Sam settles down.

It's a tribute to your love for Chris that you sacrificed good weather. :-)

Spud said...

Yes! Save up to move to beautiful Ohio, and be with all of us!